Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Life Without a Professional Makeup Train Case? Not Worth Living.

I got THE BEST PRESENT EVER this past Christmas. One I’d been coveting for ages. It's not an iPad, or an engagement ring, or even a killer jacket. It's better. It was love at first site.

Warning: Heaven within.
The makeup train case I've been pining over for 15 years is finally mine. I dropped hints over time (and subtle as a sledgehammer, I am) but to no avail. Until this Christmas when Ash heard me going on about it again and she decided to put me out of my misery. One cold December day, she got into her car and set off on her own journey to acquire my more awesome than awesome present.

Every girl needs a train case. I know that’s a bold statement, but that doesn't make it any less true. I've explored the world of makeup since I was fourteen. I’m 31 now. Due to my addictive personality, I immediately set forth on an epic cosmetic journey, gathering and sampling as many different products as I could. This has always left me in a quandary of where and how to store it all in some semblance of order.

Enter years of numerous wasted attempts (and wasted money) on different storage methods. I tried a selection of cosmetic bags, an array of little boxes, numerous divided storage containers, dresser drawers, Ziploc bags, tea light holders for my eyeliners, and the list goes on. I was never ever content with the result. Really, it was an organized mess! Most of the time, I just forgot about what I had until it dried out and was unusable. It’s true what they say, out of sight, out of mind.

So there I was, sitting on Ash’s floor beside the Christmas tree, having been presented by a rather large, beautifully wrapped box. Naturally I tore into it (I’m a demon for prezzies) only to find an unmarked cardboard box. I didn’t know what was in it, but I made short work of that too in order to reveal my own personal holy grail. I won’t lie, I nearly cried! I had finally, thanks to Ash, achieved one those life goals. I now had a professional makeup train case in my possession. Hazah! There it sat in all its black and silver glory, with lovely little latches, and to my surprise, an extremely handy bottom drawer for all of my brushes. Truth be told, my initial reaction was to excuse myself from our Christmas party and drive home so I could get started on the organizing. I somehow refrained.

I’ll tell you though, the day I did sit down to the task was wonderful! I tossed out all the old dividers, cosmetic bags and Ziploc’s. They were nothing more than a hindrance. I freed up so much space as well. Admittedly, I could use another one for my lip glosses alone, but there’s always my birthday! I love opening it and everything is just right there before me. There’s no searching and rifling or forgetting. And when I’m finished, I just close it and lock it back up and it’s tidy and clean. No clutter at all! Ash has expressed fear of buying me things over the years (she claims that I’m overly fussy) but she shouldn't have been nervous about this one. This was top-grade, blow-me-out-of-the-water brilliant. I can’t see another soul being able to top it. It delights me every day!

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