Monday, June 11, 2012

Looking For A New Face Wash? The Answer Is Simple.

Simple Face Wash
Looking For A New Face Wash? The Answer Is Simple.
It’s hard to imagine an exciting tale about face wash. It’s perhaps as exciting as listening to a story about someone cleaning their stove (I’m looking at you, Ash.) Except that it is totally exciting when one finds a bloody good face wash! And I have done just that [insert oddly smug face here.] I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand the feel of my skin when it’s all dried out and tight after using a harsh cleanser. And for me it’s hard to avoid. In fact, there are only two brands in the world I’ve tried that don’t leave me with that feeling. And they are both from the UK [insert shout-out head nod to the Brits!]  Since arriving on this side of the pond, thanks to Shopper’s Drug Mart’s distribution deal, I’ve been using various Boots cleansers and moisturizers. And I am still completely infatuated with them, don’t get me wrong. Boots maintains my ferocious loyalty.

However, recently a new product was granted distribution: the Simple product line. You can find it at Wal-Mart, Shoppers Drug Mart, and probably a few other places. They’re fabulous. They’re reasonably priced. Oh yeah, and they’re ridiculously kind to your skin! I partook in the Moisturizing Facial Wash rather than the Refreshing Facial Wash Gel because of the extreme sensitivity of my skin (though I’m almost positive the other one would be grand as well.) The Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash that I chose is so utterly and completely gentle, it’s a dream to use. I use only the smallest drop and it creates such a lush, dense foam when you rub your hands together. It doesn’t sting one bit, which is a massive plus for me. But my stand out favourite thing about it? No distinguishable scent. It is so neutral, I love it! I despise strong scented cleansers on my face.

It’s worth saying twice, Simple face wash is a dream to use and reasonably priced. What are you waiting for? Go forth and buy, my friends.