
Are you a Beauty Renegade?

Sick to death of all the rules the industry tries to impose? Tired of the meaningless drivel spouted by one expert claiming what has to be done one way, and what should never be done another, just before the next master in line declares the exact opposite. Bollocks to that!

It’s only a problem when people believe it, and believe it they do. Sure, if you’re in the industry then you’re hip to this by now. Nevertheless, the amount of people who are stuck in the cycle of believing there is only one way to do things, stifling their creative urges, is a travesty. Make-up should be fun. Hair should be personal. Style should be embraced. When it comes to beauty, there are as many ways to do things are there are things to be done. The truly great people in the industry will tell you the same.

Tips, tricks and advice are wonderful things that we can all do with at one time or another. There’s also nothing wrong with voicing an opinion. I don’t mind if someone claims that they hate my cream and beige boots, comments red lipstick is only for whores, or attacks my bright blue nails for their inherent garishness. There’s a huge difference, however, between hating on my style and telling me what to do. Personally, my unique eyebrow situation actually revealed the misplaced rigid rules beauty world. Creativity and expression need no such trappings.

Moreover, don’t think it can’t go the other way as well, because it bloody well can. If the lipstick you like happens to be in right now and everyone and their Aunty is wearing it, it doesn’t mean you have to stop. If your signature look is crisp cool casual, a la Ralph Lauren, Marc Jacobs, or Michael Kors, then embrace it! If you’re a trend spotter and nail the latest fads before they’ve hit the factory floor--do it! If you are vintage-obsessed and spend hours pillaging through thrift stores and estate sales, collecting bits and bots to make jewellery out of. All the power to you--and call me, coz you, vintage queen, have my number. At Beauty Renegades we embrace what we love, wear what we want, and say what we like.

No one here will ever tell you something is too trendy, too boring or too odd. We may say it’s too ugly, but that’s a whole other can of worms. No one will tell you there is only one path to eyebrow heaven, or that you should never cut dry hair, or that you’re a “cool” so no coral eye shadow. We only want to share our opinions, tricks, and tips, and would love you to do the same.

So, are you a Beauty Renegade? Well then, come on in! Drinks are on you.